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FOOTBALL MANAGEMENT AGENCY is a sports company that helps you in finding football agents in France and around the world. FMA is also a sports agency that also puts at your disposal football agents with whom we work permanently. We work on the basis of updated sports market data, in order to keep our structure in line with demand requirements.
Our core values ​​are professionalism, respect for our employees and our constant concern to provide our clients with quality services, as well as the contribution to the growth of the communities that host our activities.
Our conception of professionalism emphasizes the responsibility, the duty of accountability, the integrity and exemplarity of our behavior, in short, participative and effective management.
Our values ​​fall within the framework of the fundamental principles are the respect of the laws which are applicable to us, the satisfaction of our customers, as well as the solidarity between the members of our personnel.

Thanks to our vast network of football agents we guarantee you satisfaction! We help you negotiate the best deals with the agents and work stop when you find satisfaction!

Your satisfaction is our priority
We wish you a good navigation on our pages.

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